Tuesday 27 December 2011

Thank You

It's been my goal to give something each week for 52 weeks. I have managed to do this most of the time. What I didn't expect was the pleasure I found in being able to help someone. We have all heard that it is better to give than receive, and I believe I understand that now.
I would like to pass on a big Thank You to everyone who has helped me during 2011. All positive comments and helpful actions inspire me. Can you imagine the changes we could cause if we all gave just a little more in 2012?
Wishing you all a happy, healthy and successful 2012.

Monday 28 November 2011

Time is Tight

I'm feeling the lack of time at the moment, so instead of feeling guilty about not giving outside of our family circle, I've decided to concentrate on the projects in hand. Hopefully this means that those involved will benefit from the results.
The NightWriters writing group is running a writers workshop on Saturday 10th December. I'm preparing great information to take home, and a fun program to help us reconnect with our "inner writer selves".
All are welcome to come to the Write Now Cafe at 9.30am at Mt Ommaney library.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Let's give away books

I've recently received requests for books - some for the Mother Africa project for Zimbabwe and for the Benjamin Andrew Footpath Library. I love the idea of passing on good books that we've read. Being engrossed in a story takes all our attention; it's a mini escape for the mind. Text books impart knowledge, anywhere at any time - no internet required. I had a few favourite childhood books that I read again and again. During school we struggled through Shakespeare, Charles Dickins and Thomas Hardy. Isn't it amazing that work from so long ago is still read and enacted in theatres today?
If you love a book - set it free. (Sorry about the paraphrase!)
Let someone else enjoy it too. Many new state schools need books, because funding only allows for the building and the librarian, not the resources! Most charities accept books. Retirement villages, nursing homes, second hand book stores .. let's pass on and share our books.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Giving Support

Is there a cause you're passionate about? Is there something you feel strongly about? Givit.org is asking these questions to help us find out what we'd like to support. Is it giving a voice to children? Assisting the sick and needy? Looking after animals? There are so many worthy causes and charities that we sometimes suffer from "giving fatigue". But each of us can make a difference. I have chosen to help in areas that interest me - writing and World Vision. We have sponsored 4 children who were living in poverty. Now 3 of them no longer need our help. Some have grown up and left school with a good education. Recently, the village we were supporting in Haiti has become self sufficient. Isn't that a mind boggling thought? A group of strangers world wide have helped an entire village. So let's continue to give.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Thank You for Giving

Thanks to everyone for your comments on this blog - some electronic, some in person. I have a technical glitch that stops me from posting comments on my own blog!
Thank you also to the writers who assisted in many ways - your efforts ensured a successful writers workshop.
Thank you to every individual who uses their time to help others. Your efforts always make a difference. I'd like you to know that you are appreciated.
It's been a very busy week or so - we've given away furniture and goods to people who really need it - what a win /win situation. We feel good, and they feel good too. I heard some amazing stories over the weekend.
There is no doubt about it - Australia is a wonderful country.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Giving and Receiving

I read an excellent article on giving. The author advised us not to think of giving as a major altruistic act, or as something noble, because we can then let ourselves off the hook by saying "we're not like that". She said that giving is done by ordinary people who wish to do so.
Wow - that wipes out all my excuses!
I have already been rewarded for some of my gifts or acts of giving. I've received wonderful emails, and had great pleasure in knowing someone has been helped and/or uplifted by something I've done. It's a powerful way to connect with others, even if only for a short while.
On a more mundane level, my house decluttering continues. I'm planning to give away more furniture and goods - unwanted now, but previously loved.
Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to comment on my blog. I do appreciate the thought and effort that goes into doing that.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Giving and Sharing

This week I’m sharing ideas. Have you ever thought of a better way to do something? Or had a good idea and not done anything with it? Now is the time to pass on those thoughts. Who knows where they will end up? Asking questions and being interested shows our willingness to contribute.
Complimenting others on a job well done is another form of giving. So it’s all about feedback and sharing this week. If you would like to share your thoughts, please feel free to comment.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Giving Away Furniture

Last week was an interesting one. I had to learn to stop interrupting and listen. I heard some thoughts and ideas that I'm sure I wouldn't have without actively trying.
This week I'm donating unused furniture. I find it hard to believe that we've collected so much. We are indeed fortunate to have excess belongings.
The giving continues.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Giving the gift of listening

This week I am practising my listening skills. Instead of waiting to interrupt someone and put forward my point of view, I am actually listening! It's not as easy as it sounds, because I have to concentrate on what others are saying. But it's interesting.
Try taking on someone else's point of view - it's almost an act of generosity. Not many of us have dedicated listeners who hang on to our pearls of wisdom!
Giving appropriate responses is also a part of listening. I re-read some of Stephen Covey's work last week. He said his life changed when he realised that between an action and our response to it is an opportunity to decide how we will react.
That's what I'm concentrating on this week.

Saturday 3 September 2011

I'm Giving Away Coles and Woolworths dockets!

Here's something that costs nothing, but will benefit our schools. I'm mailing my dockets to our local Special School, which will assist them in buying equipment and learning aids for their students. How easy is that?
This week I passed on some goods to the givit.org virtual warehouse, and found homes for some new items I'm not using.
One of the ongoing benefits of concentrating on giving is that I talk about it to others. Sometimes we pass on a collection of items, so we are all doing more. It's a good feeling. I do believe "what goes around comes around", but that's not my reason for this website. We live in Australia, a beautiful country and land of opportunity. We are indeed lucky. It's time to assist others to believe that they are lucky too.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Giving & Receiving

I'm enjoying being on the receiving end of giving this week.
NightWriters (our writers club) has a collection of writers and readers from vastly different background with many and varied goals. We are privileged to share in people's lives and thoughts. Feedback on my own writing is especially valuable to me, so I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to all those who have come to our NightWriters meetings. It's not easy to make the time, especially while working fulltime, so I just wanted you all to know that you are appreciated.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Give It Away

During the week I left books in parks and bus stops for people to read. It almost felt illegal, leaving books behind!
This week is all about sorting through items in the house that we no longer use. I already have a large pile of goodies to drop off at Vinnies. I'll send a list of unused / almost new items to http://www.givit.org.au/. Hopefully some people will be able to use what I'm giving away. I'm a great fan of recycling, so we can help the environment at the same time.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Variety in Giving

This week I've managed to give away some books and toys, and have begun my journey as a volunteer. At our writers meeting this week we all listened to each other's thoughts, ideas and writing, and took the time to give considered feedback. I hadn't thought of the meetings from the point of view of "giving" because I enjoy them. Newsflash! Giving doesn't have to be about grim faced determination. Okay, so that's an exaggeration, but I'm allowed to enjoy the gift of giving. We all are.
Random acts of kindness, the power of good, paying it forward - anyone can suscribe to these movements. For the next 7 days I will be giving away books - leaving them in public places for anyone to read. I remember an article about this, so I can't claim the idea, but I can put the action in place. Hopefully, someone will enjoy reading these books.
By the way, please go to www.payitforwardmovement.org - there are some heart warming stories there.

Saturday 6 August 2011

A Scary Word - Commitment

Okay,  I've finally done it! I've volunteered some time to help others, so now I've committed myself. We frequently hear and read about a committment-phobe, which I've always linked to relationships. But I'm wondering now - does it apply to other areas? Work, maybe? Friends? I remember a friend who was astounded when people who had accepted her wedding invitation just didn't turn up. There was no urgent or solid reason for it - apparently they changed their minds and failed to let her know.
Do we avoid committment? If so, I believe it's time to knuckle down and do what we say we will do. That's what I'm giving this week - I will do what I've promised to do, even if I don't feel like it.

Monday 25 July 2011

It's Time to Make Time to Give

Wow, I found my last assignment pretty challenging! Remembering to look for things I could compliment people on was much harder than I thought it would be. It seems that I take all the positives for granted, and only notice the things that I disagree with, or that are annoying. That's a revelation. I'll continue looking, and try to catch people out in an act of kindness, or when they do well. Then, I'll remember to say something good about it.
I've been thinking about helping others in general. Time to do so has always been an issue for me. So this week I'm going to learn how to make time. Organise myself to achieve more in less time. Start small, put aside a few things someone else may want or need. Sort out some CD's and DVD's we no longer use. Give them away. Start with baby steps. Which will hopefully grow into a habit of using my time in a more productive way.

Friday 15 July 2011

Giving - the non physical kind

I believe we all know someone who is always kind and a pleasure to be with. Often she or he is a quiet background type of person, but they somehow manage to make us feel better.
This week I will be concentrating on complimenting people on their positive actions or natural abilities. At first I thought it wasn't going to be much of a gift, but I'm planning on finding the good in everyone this week. Yes, even that annoying person/customer/acquaintance who whinges on the phone!
When was the last time you received a genuine acknowledgement of your actions or talents? Perhaps the ripple effect will begin with us all taking a minute to see something positive in others.

Monday 11 July 2011

Is a small amount of giving enough?

Due to many unexpected commitments, I've had limited time to think about giving to others. Giving time to my family is always a high priority for me, and is given with love and no expectation (except maybe a thank you!)

On the weekend I managed to give away a few small items and passed on some books and magazines to other readers. I answered an email I normally would have ignored, giving some input and feedback to an unknown person.

So the question of how much is good enough popped into my mind. The short answer for today is:
If I've tried my best, then it's good enough. Within current circumstances we do what we can, and that is definitely good enough. No more beating myself up for not doing more!

Saturday 2 July 2011

Giving our money to local businesses

Small businesses are doing it tough in Australia. Increasing wages, taxes and expenses eat up profits, while business owners put in long hours trying to make a living. I believe it's time to support small business where possible. I visited our local hairdresser this week, and had the added bonus of good personalised service, plus a great haircut at a cheaper rate than the larger salons. I even walked there and back, saving a small amount of petrol and exercising at the same time.
I'll be looking for more local small businesses to support over the coming months.

Monday 20 June 2011

Kindness to Strangers

I love reading stories about strangers helping others. During the floods in Brisbane and Queensland there were hundreds of stories about individuals and groups giving time and energy to assist friends, neighbours and strangers. Thousands of people donated money to the Premier's Relief fund. In times of natural disasters, people band together to help each other.
In normal everyday life, we can create acts of kindness. There are some great stories on the Readers Digest website at http://www.powerofgood.com.au/stories.

We have many books that I have enjoyed and I'm sure others would too. I'm getting more information on the footpath libraries -  their website is worth a look as well. Go to http://www.footpathlibrary.org/index.html.

Now I'm wondering if anyone could benefit from listening to CD's that we no longer use.

Here's another comment on looking for opportunities to give - picture this:
A busy railway station, with commuters rushing to work, plugged into music, newspapers under arms. A mother with a toddler and baby in a stroller is hurrying to catch her train. The child's hat falls off and disappears under an army of legs. Luckily, someone notices. She retrieves the hat and takes it to the mother, just as she is berating her son for losing his hat. Relief and smiles all round. Is this only minor incident? I believe it's more than that. Thank you to all of who go out of their way to assist, no matter how small.

Monday 13 June 2011

More on random acts of kindness

Do you think that we are in general a "less caring" society? I don't think so. I do believc however that we have learned to distance ourselves from others, which may be a form of self defence against the unrelenting tide of bad news world wide.
Most people are happy to help, to respond to a specific request. A wise person once told me to learn to ask for and accept help, because it makes others feel good about themselves.
Politeness and consideration for others may have diminished a little in our busy busy lives, but I think we can change that by looking for opportunities to help others.
So this week I am looking for the chance to give a little, and be more patient. Allow someone to easily enter my lane in traffic, hold a door open, smile at customer service people.
Still working on the pavement library idea as well.

Monday 6 June 2011

Another Way to Give

Here's a request passed on by givit.org - it's a different way of helping out.

We have a wonderful campaign today!!
Karuna is an organisation that brings comfort, support, care and peace of mind to those who are dying, as well as their carers and families. They provide free nursing, counselling, spiritual care, grief and loss support and equipment loans to over 500 people a year.  They take amazing care for people who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and provide emotional, spiritual and physical care for these people and their families free of charge.
Karuna is having a fundraiser where they sell and auction BLING!  If you have any old, new or used jewellery that you do not wear that you would like to donate to a wonderful cause.
Drop off or post your bling to GIVIT, PO Box 3061, Newstead, Q4006.  We will let you know we have received it safely

I've been reading about micro volunteering and really like the idea that many people can be involved in donating time and expertise for a common goal.
Next up? Some random acts of kindness. Not quite sure where to start with this - I don't want to be dragging little old ladies across the road against their will!

Saturday 28 May 2011


I'd like to share my favourite quote:
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle

The food bank sent a lovely email thanking us for our donation. Another feel good moment!
I saw the Salvation Army at the shops during the week and gave them some change from my purse. I admire their organisation and the work they do.

I'm looking at the pavement book bank - I think that's what it's called. Books are available for homeless people to take and read. Seems to me that if I've finished with a book, then someone else should be able to benefit from that book.

Friday 20 May 2011

Let's look at micro volunteering!

There are some great ideas on the net regarding small acts of giving. I've often thought about volunteering, but have been worried about the time I'd need to commit over a long period. This is no longer an issue. I'm sure there are places or organisations that would appreciate a few hours here and there. I've also found I can give small items spontaneously! Random acts of kindness have always intrigued me. I managed to give away a TV to someone who needs it. Also, some food for a food bank.
"The Ripple Effect" talks about how we feel better about ourselves when giving, and it's true. Yesterday I gave some chocolate to receptionists at a medical centre. They enjoyed the treat and I felt good!
So this week, I'll be reading what others are doing (in a small way) to help. I'm positive there will be some excellent ideas.

Friday 6 May 2011

Week 2 - Giving this week?

I've joined givit.org and subscribed to their list, which details goods needed urgently. I have sorted out clothes for Vinnies and clothes for Dressed for Success.
Here's something interesting - now that I'm thinking about giving, I'm talking about it as well. One of my co-workers will also be donating clothes to Dressed for Success.
One of my favourite books is The Ripple Effect by Tony Ryan - how you can make a difference to the world every day. I'll be re-reading it this week.

Friday 29 April 2011

This weekend it's clothes

I've done a quick search on the net and am glad to see there are many blogs and websites dedicated to giving - I will be reading them shortly.
This weekend I'll be sorting through some of my clothes. Anything I haven't worn for 12 months will be donated. There's an organisation called "Dress for Success" which is looking for clothing suitable for work situations. Casual clothes that still look good will go to charity.
Time to start giving!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Beginning 52 weeks of giving

I was inspired to start giving after reading an article about Juliette Wright, the founder of givit.org.au. She decided to make giving away pre-loved or new items much easier, after trying to give away her baby's clothes.
I believe that we all have something to give away - it may be books, DVD's, CD's, clothing etc. Or it could be as simple as helping someone else. Brisbane and Queensland suffered from extensive flooding during Christmas and January. There is still much to be rebuilt. The Premier's Flood Relief fund has helped many, and will continue to do so. But I feel that we can help each other, as individuals.
I am starting this blog to keep me on track. I plan to give something - an item, or my time, or assistance every week for 52 weeks.
Any ideas or thoughts that you may have are welcome!