Friday 20 May 2011

Let's look at micro volunteering!

There are some great ideas on the net regarding small acts of giving. I've often thought about volunteering, but have been worried about the time I'd need to commit over a long period. This is no longer an issue. I'm sure there are places or organisations that would appreciate a few hours here and there. I've also found I can give small items spontaneously! Random acts of kindness have always intrigued me. I managed to give away a TV to someone who needs it. Also, some food for a food bank.
"The Ripple Effect" talks about how we feel better about ourselves when giving, and it's true. Yesterday I gave some chocolate to receptionists at a medical centre. They enjoyed the treat and I felt good!
So this week, I'll be reading what others are doing (in a small way) to help. I'm positive there will be some excellent ideas.


  1. That's a brilliant idea! On rainy days I get tempted to buy some cheap umbrellas and give them to people that don't have one. I'm not courageous enough to talk to anyone, let alone give stuff to people but I'm aiming to try it one day.

    Don't stop being awesome (and definitely keep going with the blog)!

  2. I love this idea - especially at the beginning of the day, so people don't have to stay in wet clothes for the next 8 hours or so!
