Monday 13 June 2011

More on random acts of kindness

Do you think that we are in general a "less caring" society? I don't think so. I do believc however that we have learned to distance ourselves from others, which may be a form of self defence against the unrelenting tide of bad news world wide.
Most people are happy to help, to respond to a specific request. A wise person once told me to learn to ask for and accept help, because it makes others feel good about themselves.
Politeness and consideration for others may have diminished a little in our busy busy lives, but I think we can change that by looking for opportunities to help others.
So this week I am looking for the chance to give a little, and be more patient. Allow someone to easily enter my lane in traffic, hold a door open, smile at customer service people.
Still working on the pavement library idea as well.


  1. It may not be less caring, but less... expressive. We like to have control over our image and this has limited our ability to express how we feel or how we interact with others. It doesn't help when the media is advertising the ideal look/behaviour/etc. This may just be one of the unfortunate consequences of an influential media industry and a subconscious desire to be accepted.

    I can't wait until helpfulness, manners and etiquette becomes trendy.

  2. Good point. Perhaps we can start or encourage a new trend! Sometimes all it takes is a lone voice saying out loud what many of us are thinking but are too embarrassed or self conscious to state. It takes guts and courage to swim against the tide, but if enough of us do that, change may follow.
