Tuesday 27 September 2011

Giving and Sharing

This week I’m sharing ideas. Have you ever thought of a better way to do something? Or had a good idea and not done anything with it? Now is the time to pass on those thoughts. Who knows where they will end up? Asking questions and being interested shows our willingness to contribute.
Complimenting others on a job well done is another form of giving. So it’s all about feedback and sharing this week. If you would like to share your thoughts, please feel free to comment.


  1. It's great to get into a discussion with people regarding an idea they might have because there are so many perspectives that each person can pretty much walk away with something original. Plus it's interesting to see their take on the matter.

  2. Sometimes giving makes me feel richer. There seems to be a thread through my life of "minimizing" which brings with it a lot of "giving away" and "saying goodbyes" to treasured items. Then I establish myself again in a new place and all too soon it seems I'm "giving away" again and once again I am "minimizing". Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it makes me feel sad. At the moment I'm saying goodbye to my purple cupboard. It has charm and shared a special time in my life with me. I wish my purple cupboard could talk and tell all the stories it has witnessed and lives it has shared. Soon it will go to a new home and for me it's time to say goodbye. Giving away treasures at first may feel sad but than, quite magically the sad feelings transform into feelings of being richer for having had the pleasure of the company of something precious, the joy that someone else will now be able to delight in it, and a sense of liberation to travel more lightly into the future.
