Monday 28 May 2012

Collaborative Consumption

U on Sunday magazine last week had an excellent article on collaborative consumption. This is all about sharing and using the internet to connect people. There are many websites covering this concept, from couch surfing to renting out your lawn mower. I am inspired by the opportunities available to help others, while receiving a benefit at the same time. What a win win situation! Check out and as examples of what can be done. Here are some quotes that I like:
The theory of Collaborative Consumption suggests we should lend or rent out our underused gadgets to save money – and the world.
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Collaborative Consumption takes many forms, but essentially it’s a new way of consuming -renting, recycling, sharing and lending goods instead of buying them.  It’s about reducing consumption, cutting waste and stretching the life-cycle of products.

Monday 30 April 2012

Thinking About Our Contributions

What will we contribute to our world? That's a a heavy duty question. We're not all in a position to donate large amounts of money, or to use our influence to make major changes. But we can all make a difference. A small action could lead to bigger consequences. Give someone your smile today. Withhold judgement when talking to (or about) others. Be enthusiastic about a friend or relative's ideas. Pick up a piece of garbage that isn't yours. Drop a gold coin into a hat you've been trying hard to ignore. Let a car into your traffice lane with a friendly wave. Hold the lift doors open for someone in a hurry. Perform a random act of kindness.
I've often heard the saying "Giving is it's own reward". It's true, because is makes us feel better about ourselves. Give something today and feel better about yourself.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Give Yourself a Break - Part 2

How has your week been? Have you enjoyed your life over the last 7 days? Do you like who you are?
Are you living the life you desire?
Or are you listening to the voice in your head that tells you that you can't? That you're useless? That you're stuck where you are?
Please give yourself a break and start changing that voice. We all have an inner critic looking over our shoulder providing a running commentary. Most of it is uncomplimentary. But you can actually change that voice and begin to move towards the things you want. Every time you hear or say those negative words about yourself, change the sentence to something good. Every person has talent, ability and strength. Give yourself a break and find yours.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Give Yourself a Break

Busy, busy, busy! Phone calls, texts, blogs, radio, TV, newspapers, internet, emails, children, family, work mates all clamouring for your attention. Feeling pressured? No wonder!
Starting today, find some minutes in your day to switch off. Lucky enough to be in the car by yourself? Turn off the music or news. Don't think. Give your brain a rest. Taking public transport? Listen to relaxing music, or go for the "white noise" earphones. Sit in your car for a few minutes and do nothing before rushing off.

Look for spaces in your routine. Be creative and use those few precious minutes for downtime. Let your mind float. Ignore everything.

Go on - give yourself a break!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

When the Giving is Easy

Thanks to the song "Summer Time" for the paraphrasing!

It's easy to give when you enjoy what you're doing. Writing, and helping others to write, inspires me. The creative process fascinates me - what an escape! We're transported to another world when we read. Writing fiction is the ultimate power trip - everything is in your control! Don't like a character? Bump him or her off without a qualm. Love your character? Make him, her or it larger than life, endowed with brilliant qualities.

Find your passion. Or even find something you quite like. Incorporate it into your life and find a way to give something to others. You'll like the results.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Giving away more "things"

I read an article recently, where the writer said that as he grew older, he felt less need for "things". I believe there is a quiet trend for people to cut back, and to ask themselves if they really need an item before they buy it. Having just sorted through my garage and given away 3 cartons of items, I'm feeling better about the decluttering. More empty space in my home makes me feel relaxed for some reason.
I love the recycling of goods, it makes sense to pass on something to someone who can use it. I've always enjoyed browsing through second hand furniture. It's a pleasure to find a bargain, and take it home triumphantly. So let's give more and share more - our world needs as much recycling as possible.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Giving When You Don't Feel Like It

I love articles and stories about people helping each other, and random acts of kindness. This week I'm concentrating on giving when I don't feel like it. Someone wants me to listen when I want to do something else. A car wants to get into my lane when I'm in a hurry. A work colleague needs help when I'm busy. There are many times in all of our lives when we can give a little of ourselves to someone who needs it. Let's be kind to each other, and a little bit more giving.

Friday 10 February 2012

Giving Appreciation

We all love to feel appreciated, but how often do we remember to tell others how much we appreciate them? I have been actively practising this, but I've noticed that opportunities to say something positive slip by in a flash.
Last week a checkout girl loaded my groceries into my trolley, so I thanked her and said that she was providing excellent customer service. When I arrived home, I realised I could have let her supervisor know about her kindness.
Valentine's Day is coming soon. It would be an excellent time to let someone close to you know how much you enjoy their company.
Thanks for reading this blog!

Monday 16 January 2012

RSPCA makes giving easy

Thanks to RSPCA who deliver bags to our houses. We can fill them with clothing, linen, etc and help raise funds for the RSPCA. Well done to all the volunteers who make this possible.
The name of the charity that assists people with vision problems (see last post) is OneSight. They have provided free eye care and eye wear to over 7 million people in the last 20 years, both overseas and in Australia. If you'd like to find out more, their website is

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Helping people with vision problems

Did you know that you can leave your old preloved glasses at OPSM and they pass them on to a charity that gives them to people who can't afford any eye care?
Helping to give someone the ability to see better is easy, and produces amazing results.
If you don't have any glasses or spectacles, maybe you could ask around and collect them from friends and family.
We are all reminded of the Queensland floods last January. Our thanks to everyone who helped us recover from this disaster.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Giving Again

Now that the festive season is over I'm almost back to my normal routine. Giving to help others is once again on my agenda. This week there are no giant steps to help mankind! I gave some old towels to the local vets, so they can use them on the animals' beds. Even though it's a teeny act in a very big world, I am convinced that our daily actions can make the changes we desire.
Please give what you can on a regular basis.