Monday, 20 June 2011

Kindness to Strangers

I love reading stories about strangers helping others. During the floods in Brisbane and Queensland there were hundreds of stories about individuals and groups giving time and energy to assist friends, neighbours and strangers. Thousands of people donated money to the Premier's Relief fund. In times of natural disasters, people band together to help each other.
In normal everyday life, we can create acts of kindness. There are some great stories on the Readers Digest website at

We have many books that I have enjoyed and I'm sure others would too. I'm getting more information on the footpath libraries -  their website is worth a look as well. Go to

Now I'm wondering if anyone could benefit from listening to CD's that we no longer use.

Here's another comment on looking for opportunities to give - picture this:
A busy railway station, with commuters rushing to work, plugged into music, newspapers under arms. A mother with a toddler and baby in a stroller is hurrying to catch her train. The child's hat falls off and disappears under an army of legs. Luckily, someone notices. She retrieves the hat and takes it to the mother, just as she is berating her son for losing his hat. Relief and smiles all round. Is this only minor incident? I believe it's more than that. Thank you to all of who go out of their way to assist, no matter how small.

Monday, 13 June 2011

More on random acts of kindness

Do you think that we are in general a "less caring" society? I don't think so. I do believc however that we have learned to distance ourselves from others, which may be a form of self defence against the unrelenting tide of bad news world wide.
Most people are happy to help, to respond to a specific request. A wise person once told me to learn to ask for and accept help, because it makes others feel good about themselves.
Politeness and consideration for others may have diminished a little in our busy busy lives, but I think we can change that by looking for opportunities to help others.
So this week I am looking for the chance to give a little, and be more patient. Allow someone to easily enter my lane in traffic, hold a door open, smile at customer service people.
Still working on the pavement library idea as well.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Another Way to Give

Here's a request passed on by - it's a different way of helping out.

We have a wonderful campaign today!!
Karuna is an organisation that brings comfort, support, care and peace of mind to those who are dying, as well as their carers and families. They provide free nursing, counselling, spiritual care, grief and loss support and equipment loans to over 500 people a year.  They take amazing care for people who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and provide emotional, spiritual and physical care for these people and their families free of charge.
Karuna is having a fundraiser where they sell and auction BLING!  If you have any old, new or used jewellery that you do not wear that you would like to donate to a wonderful cause.
Drop off or post your bling to GIVIT, PO Box 3061, Newstead, Q4006.  We will let you know we have received it safely

I've been reading about micro volunteering and really like the idea that many people can be involved in donating time and expertise for a common goal.
Next up? Some random acts of kindness. Not quite sure where to start with this - I don't want to be dragging little old ladies across the road against their will!